Friday, December 22, 2006

What is Next?

We await the new year and the celebration of the nativity. We pause and we ask if it is possible to be without a shade or a hint of conflict in ourselves. If we really wanted peace, it might be with us in a moment, instantaneously. But do we want it?

Talking with a friend tonight, the thought occurred to me, what is it that we really want in this life -- security, stability, notoriety, wealth, pleasure? What? And do these things truly matter, or does obtaining them matter? Somehow it always seems to occur to us that the way to receive what we want is to get it, but rarely do we think all could be in us if we give it first and foremost. We live in scarcity consciousness, thinking and worrying that we will never have enough. With this vibration in us, we repel all the things that might fill us if we instead radiated strength, peace, joy, serenity, and love. First be, then give. Forget getting. Fore-get, go before getting, just like forego, go before going (refrain from it). In this season of giving and receiving, let us not look to what we can get from others, although that is probably what is on most people's minds. Let us instead look to what we can give.

You know, you understand people this way by what they do, not by what they say. Many will profess kindness and the desire to give, but then look at how they live, how they hoard and fear and then hoard more. Always they have the tacit thought of self and self's success and preservation in mind. That is where they really are. Search the heart, your own and others. The heart can be known by the acts, so watch.

It is just days before the celebrations of the season. Many are reflecting on the gifts they have and what the future may hold for them. What will the next year bring? Who will it see pass away, come into being, be fulfilled, and be dethroned? Events unfold according to a hidden purpose, a hidden and higher order. Take courage, therefore, and align yourself with this greater good and higher power, the truly awesome totality and order who wishes all well, all harmony, and all true peace on earth. Dedicate yourself to the best in all of us. Namaste: the light in each of us extols, exhorts, and works to recognize the light in all of us. Peace on earth, goodwill to all.