Thursday, August 13, 2009


Every sensation experienced in the heart of man has a purpose. We are every moment of our lives receiving information that is informing us of the course of our lives; we often have no idea what to do with this information. Why are we such a stranger to ourselves? Is it because we fail to realize the real source of the feelings and sensations that come to us? Are we so in the dark and so mentally confused about what is transpiring because we fail to acknowledge the source of our feelings and sensations is the Spirit of God? This may be nothing other than a failure to believe in the truth, otherwise known as a lack of faith.

However, there is little we can do to convince another to believe in anything, and in the end it isn’t really a question of believing, but a matter of experiencing what, in the light of experience, reveals itself to be reality, Reality. Still, everyone realizes in the span of their lives that what they experience - life - is disturbing, often very disturbing. So what do we do?

The obvious answer, observable in many people’s daily routines, is to escape. We see people in every class and walk of life running for the door that leads away from their suffering, the emotional and often mental burning and throbbing that beg understanding. Normally, rather than understand these signals at a fundamental level – where they are coming from and what they mean – fear takes control of the human organism and comfort becomes the standard for the value of our lives.

But, is comfort all it is cracked up to be? Could it be that suffering serves a purpose, pain has a point to it? It is possible, is it not, that these signals are the messages of an eternal and infinite intelligence, informing us of where we are erring and suggesting to us pathways permanently out of our mistakes and into the grand scheme of things. In other words, what we most avoid – suffering, pain, hardship, disapproval, rejection, and inferiority – are actually gateways to a transformed life and an elevated (from the norm) understanding of the purpose and meaning of life, in the grand sense and in the sense of the immediate experiences we have daily.

It is easy to speak of these matters in generalities. But, it is not easy to experience the direct pain that becomes such a huge disturbance in the individual life. One must enquire; one must seek to know; and one must endure the hardships that come so that a higher meaning might reveal itself. Disturbance offers us this golden opportunity. Whether we accept it or not certainly is up to each and every one of us.

What are the alternatives? Often we lash out. Often we self-medicate. Often we reach for the nearest distraction. But, what are we distracting ourselves from? The centered human being: where is she? What lies at the center of the human being, through and within the very core of disturbance that burns in us daily, even to a greater degree if we allow the higher energies to begin to work in us? This question amounts to asking the fundamental questions of existence: Who am I? At her heart, what is the human being? Is there a supreme intelligence in the Universe, and if so, where does it reside?

All good, worthwhile questions, I might add. Disturbance acts as an awakening fire. It goads us forward. It forbids us take our experience for granted. It drives us deeper into the mysteries of the fire within and around us. Rather than being shunned, would it be possible to embrace it and hold it within us in such a way that it shapes us, informs us of the necessary information it holds? What we learn might amaze and change us.

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