Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Heart of Love

Before all else, the giving impulse to love all creation, for it is all oneself. Why have we forgotten this primordial truth? Why are the currents of real love so frail in this besieged time? Have most of us forgotten the seeds planted in our own hearts at birth? Have most of us been so brainwashed, so conditioned, that we have forgotten the original blessing and gift of being human, Love?

This question will resonate to the very end and to the very core: why is love so rare, and apparently so frail, in the earthly realm? Why has its gold (the very real one) been usurped by the imposter of the metal found in the earth? Who could imagine such a farcical mistake, so laughable if not for its miserable consequences? No, perhaps it is all because of the choices people on earth have made, and everyone is to blame, all are culpable in the morass of ignorance and "temporary fulfillment-bliss" induced by the satiation of ever-present and growing greed.

Is that the real enemy here? Has greed overgrown the islands and waters of love? Has "the red and the black" overcoated "the blue and the gold" to such an extent that the horizons of hope and fecund possibility are no longer visible? There will always be hope, but not always the efficacy of its translation into fact. The deed is the thing, and on earth deed-mind is the reality. We are mind, and we are filled with deeds: deeds in mind, and no escaping that matrix.

In the heart of love resides the peace of sages, and the embrace of the constant friend. It is the friend of everyone, being beyond opposites, but there are requisites for summoning its blessings in experience. Find out what these are, and live your discovery's heart. It is deep love and profound blessing. Unobstructed.


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