Thursday, April 02, 2009

The World of Man and The Limitless

There are many people who honestly believe that they will never grow old and never die. They are the kind of people who disbelieve that there is anything wrong with them. Instead, they feel they know and that they are fine, however they may grope along in life without direction and without understanding how they react to circumstances, the life around them.

There are limits to what words can say. Obviously, pictures, images, count for something in the mind as well. Today, we are awash in images and sounds of all types, information overload from every possible direction, brought into being by an explosion of technology. On cell phones, on laptops, on personal messengers, on handheld devices, Twittering, Face-booking, Googling, YouTubing and looking everything up on Wikipedia, we are agents flooded with audial and visual information. We produce it because we believe in its value, even its necessity for our own life and the lives of others; we consume it because we are taught to consume early, very early. However, rarely do we consider the value of the content of the information we are receiving.

Who is receiving it? Of what value does it have? Doesn’t most of the information that is currently circulating in the world simply serve to fragment the mind to a greater and greater degree? If this is so, what does this mean for the future of man? What are we retaining and how are we growing if the content of what we are feeding ourselves in the mind is the equivalent of junk, “junk food.” Certainly we have little hope if we cannot find a way to sift through the morass of information we are subject to and find the pearls that, perhaps, lay occasionally at the bottom of the sea or lodged in between piles and piles of refuse.

To what extent is information only entertainment? Are we so bored, so chronically disinterested in our lives, that our only recourse becomes to lose ourselves in electronic stimulation, in sifting through gossip, data, sexy ads, and dirt to thrill the desire that has long ago lost interest in the banality of the normal life we lead? Has it gotten so bad, so boring and old, that the only thing we feel we can do is to make a B-line for the life of the rich and famous as advertised on the Internet? Our reliance on this infotainment may be part of our undoing.

We look for keys, we want to know things, but we have forgotten the doors of value we wish to open. There is embedded in each human being the species memory of love, a simple life of devotion to the promptings of life, which are not limited to the survival of the body but also include the survival of the heart, the invisible emotional center of the human, the mind, and the connection to the infinite. Too often, lost in information, most of which is of little value to our real nourishment, we forget this species memory that has only really recorded the needs that demand we meet them. For a life lived without love, without the challenge of the search and the joy of the discovery, is of scarcely any value at all. In fact, one can say that without love, life loses its value altogether. Daily we are able to witness the effects of the absence of love in the affairs of man.

Man makes a fundamental error in believing that he is able to meet the needs and calling of the species memory in him. He cannot do this. He is woefully under equipped to fabricate what will satisfy his greatest needs. All this that we have created is substitute material for the actual thing, the absence of which withers life, the presence of which divinates it. (Possibly this is not a word, “divinate,” but it is a useful one that I will coin now if it has not already been done.)

The world of man is the invention of man, and it is a central meaning of the Sanskrit term “maya,” or illusion. Living exclusively for the benefits it can provide, man becomes the master masturbator, supremely self-absorbed yet never entirely satisfied. The limitless, on the other hand, does not originate from the hand of man, but has a universal source in freedom. When man is connecting with it, his needs are being met and he is serving the purpose for which he was created. He travels in new spheres and emits a frequency of harmony, beauty, and love, which is total unity.


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